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up and down
en haut et en bas; monte et descend; ici et là-bas  detail>>
up or down?
up or down?  detail>>
breakin\' it up, breakin\' it down
breakin' it up, breakin' it down  detail>>
going up and going down
théorème de cohen-seidenberg  detail>>
pace up and down
faire les cent pas  detail>>
pin-up went down
pin-up went down  detail>>
shake it up: break it down
shake it up: dance dance  detail>>
up & down (album)
up & down (album de horace parlan)  detail>>
up for the down stroke
up for the down stroke  detail>>
up the down staircase (film)
escalier interdit  detail>>
up the down steroid
les stéroïdes, ça déchire  detail>>
up, down, fragile
haut bas fragile  detail>>
first pull up, then pull down
first pull up, then pull down  detail>>
top-down and bottom-up design
approches ascendante et descendante  detail>>
pull up some dust and sit down
pull up some dust and sit down  detail>>
sit down, shut up (2009 tv series)
sit down, shut up  detail>>
tie me up! tie me down!
attache-moi !  detail>>
been down so long it looks like up to me
l'avenir n'est plus ce qu'il était  detail>>